The right to access water and sanitation is still a challenge for many countries, and our projects are committed to reverse the situation.
Fostering healthy living and wellbeing is a priority for us in the interventions we develop.
One of our main objectives is to achieve gender equality and women's empowerment in all our projects.
Our commitment is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy, leaving no one behind
We promote learning opportunities through improved educational facilities and training on energy issues.
We work in partnership with other institutions and companies to meet the goals we have committed to in the 2030 Agenda.
(Español) Somos una ONGD de personas voluntarias comprometidas con el bienestar de los más vulnerables, una plataforma de la sociedad civil que quiere trabajar por el desarrollo de los más desfavorecidos y alejados, mediante su experiencia y capacidad de acción en el acceso a la energía.
(Español) C/ Maudes n °51 – 28003, Madrid
Proyectos: 624 70 32 11
Administración: 661 31 6659
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