Thanks to your support, whether as an individual, a company or an organisation, we can continue to build a future without poverty. Each of your financial contributions, your participation in acts or events is essential and makes us feel your support and gives us strength. Thank you for your generosity on behalf of all the people you support.

Energía sin fronteras is committed to transparency and good practice. In order to be able to check that each contribution reaches its destination, we have set up this section of the website to publish our activity report and audited annual accounts.

Activities Summary

Would you like to know more about us?. We are pleased to show you the list of activities of our foundation for the last year. It is available in Spanish. Download it and discover more about Energía sin fronteras


Annual accounts

As a guarantee of transparency and good practice, we undergo an annual external audit to scrutiny  our accounts.

Ernst & Young, S.L. is the company that carries out this audit and prepares the report on our accounting situation.

Annual accounts


Code of Ethics, Bylaws and Strategic Plan


Code of Ethics




Strategic Plan 2022-2024

Fundación Lealtad Accreditation

Fundación Lealtad certifies that Energía sin fronteras, as an NGO, fulfills all of the 9 principles on transparency and good practices

Ethical Channel

Energía sin fronteras (Esf) has a Compliance Committee to ensure proper compliance with the legal system, its internal rules and procedures and compliance with the rules of its own ethical code.

Any individual or legal entity may submit any suggestions, complaints or reports they deem appropriate to Esf’s governing bodies through the “Ethics Channel”, which ensures confidentiality and anonymity of participants if they so wish.

Please use the following address to contact us in this regard: denunciasysugerencias@energiasinfronteras.org

The details of the Ethical Channel can be consulted “Here